DigiQuin™ is 3D Augmented Reality with Human Profile Analytic Digital mannequin, empowered with Internet of Things (IoT) provides new game-change in Retail and Shopping Experience.
It enables better interaction and information with customers, as well as prospects; combined with purposeful and integrated Leading Indicators Analytic Tools to empower decisions and strategies.
DigiQuin™ lets you enhance experience and achieve more with your resources:
- Auto Interacts and Engages with Fun to shopper in 3D and tailoring onto them recommended fashion outfits, including Gender and Age profiling ability.
- Detail informs about brand, designs and dressing tips.
- Management streamlines offerings and inventory processing.
- Data Analytics deliver reports to empower decisions on pre-orders, customers’ profiles, trends, etc.
Our DigiQuin™ has been approved as one of the productivity solutions under Spring Singapore (ICV Voucher). Our company AIT Technologies is also listed as one of the integrated solution provider.