Our Self Empowering & Enabling Kiosk (SEEK) is a non-invasive Self-Service Tele-Health/Tele-Medicine Screening Kiosk which serves as a Self-Help machine to evaluate not just personal physiologic measurements but functions beyond what a simple measurement device can do.
Our Self Service Tele-Health / Tele-Medicine helps to increase access to primary healthcare services and present greater autonomy, flexibility and convenience in terms of accessible location and 24/7 access to users empowering them to take charge and plan ahead for their health.
Objectives of our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine :
- Reducing visits from well-controlled chronic patients
- Improving risk stratification of patients before primary care visit.
- Increasing access to preventive health and acute care.
- Increasing screening for the general population.
Features and benefits of our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine :
- Patient / User Registrations
- Support general pre-consultation or health screening questions
- Users can see their current health status against their target range
- Support specific questions relating to cardiovascular health, diabetes, depression, asthma, lifestyle and health related habits
- Usable by patient’s care team or patients themselves
- Gives personalised advice based on user’s parameters acting as a tool for individuals to monitor their health regularly
- User-centered design
- Multiple Language Selection
Users and reasons for using our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine :
Clinics and Hospitals
Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine Monitoring in primary care setting as pre-doctor consult prior to being sent to treatment room/doctor consultation room.
Our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine is suitable for patients with the following diagnosis:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- High Cholesterol Prevention & Health Promotion
Users with chronic diseases
Our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine helps to monitor for review and to control disease
Preventive Care / Active Workforces
Our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine helps Screen for Hypertension, Obesity, Depression and Asthma. Preventive health care, acute care for specific set of relatively minor clinical conditions.
Emergency Department
Our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine helps provide Screening and Triaging for doctor/nurse consultation in the ED.
General Public Health
Our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine Increase awareness of one’s health, encourage reflection and motivate to take action for healthy living.
Nursing Homes
Our Self Service TeleHealth / Tele-Medicine is based on health monitoring, prompt action and participation in activities to help achieve goals of active aging.
Physiologic and Chronic Disease Monitoring Measurements
- HbA1C (Glycated Haemoglobin)
- LDL(Low-density Lipoprotein)
- Blood Pressure
- Body Mass Index(BMI) – Height and Weight
- Heart Rate
- Temperature