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DigiQuin™ featured in Shin Min Daily News

Our DigiQuin™ has been featured on Shin Min Daily News.

In the article, it has mentioned that DigiQuin™ is able to detect a person’s gender, age and able to recommend and super impose clothes on the person.

The Boss of AIT Technologies has spent over $600,000 to develop and create DigiQuin™. Right now, DigiQuin™ is set to cost at $5,000. ( DigiQuin™ is covered under ICV fund)

When customers walk nearer to DigiQuin™, DigiQuin™ is able to detect the customer’s gender, age and other body profile before recommending the most suitable outfit to the customer. Thus, attracting the customers into the shop to explore more.

DigiQuin™ is able to collect data for the retailers to let them understand the market better.

Credits to:

Shin Min Daily News

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